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Objects returned from query are automatically tracked by the Client and direct manipulation of them will result in writes being dispatched over the network to listening peers in the space.

import { Client } from '@dxos/client';

const client = new Client();

(async () => {
  await client.initialize();
  if (!client.halo.identity.get()) await client.halo.createIdentity();
  // get a list of all spaces
  const spaces = client.spaces.get();
  // grab a space
  const space = spaces[0];
  // grab an object
  const result = await space.db.query({ type: 'task' }).run();
  const object = result.objects[0];
  // mutate the object directly
  object.isCompleted = true;

The mutation will queue up inside the Client and begin propagating to listening peers on the next tick.

Creating objects

To insert an object into an ECHO space, simply construct it and call the add method to begin tracking it.


Without strong types, the generic Expando class can be used:

import { Client } from '@dxos/client';
import { Expando } from '@dxos/client/echo';

const client = new Client();

(async () => {
  await client.initialize();
  if (!client.halo.identity.get()) await client.halo.createIdentity();

  const space = client.spaces.get()[0];

  const object = create(Expando, { type: 'task', title: 'buy milk' });

  await space.db.add(object);


If strong types are desired, an instance of a specific TypedObject descendant should be used:

import { Client } from '@dxos/client';

import { Task, types } from './schema';

const client = new Client();

void (async () => {
  await client.initialize();
  if (!client.halo.identity.get()) {
    await client.halo.createIdentity();

  const space = client.spaces.get()[0];

  const object = new Task({ title: 'buy milk' });


Removing objects

To remove an object (typed or untyped) call the remove API on a space.

await space.db.remove(object);


Objects in ECHO are not physically deleted, they are marked with a removed field and remain in the change history until the next epoch. This ECHO mutation feed design is required to allow any latent offline writers to reconcile changes when they come online.