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React Tutorial

React tutorial

This tutorial walks you through creating a simple shared counter application in react using DXOS to share counter state between peers.

The code completed application can be found hereopen in new window and you can play with the app hereopen in new window.

In this tutorial, we will:

Creating a DXOS app

DXOS works in any Node.js or Browser environment. There is a TypeScript API and a react API.

Ensure node -v is at version 18 or higher (we recommend Node Version Manageropen in new window).

We have a few app templates that are designed to get you going quickly. They are based on viteopen in new window, typescriptopen in new window, reactopen in new window, tailwindopen in new window, pwaopen in new window, and other opinions.

For this guide, we're going to start with the bare template and create a simple shared counter. Initialize the app with npm create:

npm create @dxos/bare@latest

Running npm create will give you different options to customize your app. For this tutorial, default to saying "yes" to all the prompts with the exception of "Include PWA support", to which you should say "no".


If you encounter an error with EINVALIDPACKAGENAME it's likely the npm/node versions are out of date. Ensure node -v is 18 or higher and npm -v is 9 or higher.

Then, use your favorite package manager such as yarn, npm or pnpm:

npm install
npm run serve

This will start the development server and print its URL to the console.

The bare template is an empty react app wrapped in some DXOS goodness. Open the App.tsx file and you'll see this:

const config = async () => new Config(Local(), Defaults());

const createWorker = () =>
  new SharedWorker(new URL('./shared-worker', import.meta.url), {
    type: 'module',
    name: 'dxos-client-worker',

const Loader = () => (
  <div className='flex bs-[100dvh] justify-center items-center'>
    <Status indeterminate aria-label='Initializing' />

export const App = () => {
  return (
      fallback={<Loader />}
          onInitialized={async (client) => {
            const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
            if (
              !client.halo.identity.get() &&
            ) {
              await client.halo.createIdentity();
          <p>Your code goes here</p>

There's a lot going on here! Let's walk through it.

Bootstrap the DXOS Client

DXOS apps enable users to control their data and identity by storing it in ECHO and HALO. In a browser-based environment like this React app, data is stored in persistent browser storage. ECHO runs inside of a Shared Workeropen in new window. The ClientProvider bootstraps ECHO and HALO, enabling the application to access the user's identity and data.

React Helpers

The other wrapper components are part of the DXOS UI system:

  • <ErrorBoundary> catches errors that bubble up from the application.
  • <ThemeProvider> enables default DXOS styles and tailwindcssopen in new window.

Creating a User Identity

Before an application can read or write user data, the device must be authenticated. The first time a user runs a DXOS application, they won't have an identity yet. When useIdentity is called, an identity is created if one doesn't exist.

Let's create a simple component called Counter.tsx.

import React from 'react';
import { useIdentity } from '@dxos/react-client/halo';
import { useSpaces } from '@dxos/react-client/echo';

export const Counter = () => {
  // Get the user to log in before a space can be obtained.
  // Get the first available space, created with the identity.
  const [space] = useSpaces();
  return <></>;



useIdentity attempts to use the device's existing identity, if there is one. If the device's vault has no identity, an identity will be created automatically.

useSpaces returns all the user's spaces. An ECHO Space is an instance of an ECHO database that will be replicated to peers that connect to the space. Spaces can be created and joined programmatically, but in this case a space was created automatically when useIdentity created a new identity. For now, we'll just grab that first auto-created space.

Don't forget to import the Counter component in App.tsx and replace "Your code goes here" with the Counter component:

import { Counter } from './Counter';

<Counter />;

Updating UI state from ECHO

Now that the user has an identity and an ECHO database, let's update the UI to reflect the contents of the database. Add the useQuery hook to your imports:

import { useSpaces, useQuery } from '@dxos/react-client/echo';

In the Counter component, replace the return with the following:

  const [counter] = useQuery(space, { type: 'counter' });

  return (
      {counter && (
        <div className='text-center'>
          Clicked {counter.values.length ?? 0} times.

useQuery allows you to search the database for objects that match the query. In our case, we are searching for objects that have a key and value of type: 'counter'. The first time this query executes, there is no object that matches it.

We need an empty counter that we can increment.

Grab an Expando:

import { useIdentity } from '@dxos/react-client/halo';

Above the return statement, add the following effect:

  useEffect(() => {
    if (space && !counter) {
      const counter = create(Expando, { type: 'counter', values: [] });
  }, [space, counter]);

  return (
      {counter && (
        <div className='text-center'>
            className='border bg-white py-2 px-4 rounded'
            onClick={() => {
            Click me
          <p>Clicked {counter.values.length ?? 0} times.</p>

When the app refreshes, you should now see Clicked 0 times.

Expando for Untyped Data

Expando is a DXOS wrapper class for storing untyped data in ECHO. An Expando is just a plain ol' JavaScript object that you can add fields to and manipulate directly. We also offer robust tooling around typed data that we recommend for more complex applications.

Updating the Counter

Let's add a button to update the count of the counter.

At this point, your Counter component should look like this, with a <button> added for incrementing the count:

import { Expando, useQuery, useSpaces } from '@dxos/react-client/echo';
import { useIdentity } from '@dxos/react-client/halo';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

export const Counter = () => {
  const [space] = useSpaces();
  const [counter] = useQuery(space, { type: 'counter' });

  useEffect(() => {
    if (space && !counter) {
      const counter = create(Expando, { type: 'counter', values: [] });
  }, [space, counter]);

  return (
      {counter && (
        <div className='text-center'>
            className='border bg-white py-2 px-4 rounded'
            onClick={() => {
            Click me
          <p>Clicked {counter.values.length ?? 0} times.</p>


Every time you click the button, you should see the count increase by 1.

Notice how we updated the counter's value: we simply pushed elements onto the array directly. We instantiated the counter variable from useQuery, so it's value is tracked: changes to it's value are automatically persisted to ECHO and reactively update the UI.


The counter's data is stored locally, in-browser, in OPFSopen in new window or IndexedDBopen in new window which works offline. Try it out. Refresh the app. Quit your browser and re-open it. The counter's count remains. You can even update the count offline.

Connecting another peer

Now let's test out connecting multiple peers. Open another window and load the localhost URL. The two windows should now be in sync. You can also connect a peer on a different device.

Peer-to-peer over WebRTC

What's going on behind the scenes? The two peers are communicating directly, peer-to-peer, over secure WebRTC connections. Every time the button is pressed, an element is added to the array and the count increases. No servers are involved in the exchange of state between peers.

CRDTs for Consistency

You may wonder why we chose to represent a counter as an array when an integer would be simpler. ECHO uses CRDTsopen in new window to ensure the state remains consistent. If we used an integer to represent the count, the algorithm for updating the state effectively becomes "last write wins" and short-circuits the CRDT. Consider how each client would update the count, assuming it was an integer:

  1. Grab the most recent count value.
  2. Increment the count value by 1.
  3. Save the count value to the shared state.

If both peers click the button at the exact same time, the count should increase by 2. But it will increase by 1. Why? Each of them started with the same number and did the same operation of incrementing by 1.

With an array, each time a client pushes an element onto the array, the CRDT algorithm merges those changes together, preserving all elements from all clients.

This is one of the "gotchas" when working with CRDTs. While they ensure that conflicts will be resolved transparently, you have to think carefully about the data types and what happens during conflicted states.


  • A HALO identity and a space are required to use ECHO.
  • Reading objects is as simple as querying for the object using useQuery().
  • The objects returned are tracked by the Client and direct mutations to them will be synchronized with other peers (and other parts of your app) reactively.

Deploying the app

DXOS apps are static apps that rely on peer-to-peer networking and client-side resources for storage and computation. There are no servers or backends. However, the static assets for the app need to be hosted somewhere in order to access them from a web browser.

For the sake of simplicity, we will deploy the app's static assets to Netlify. These instructions should be easy to cross-apply to any hosting provider, including Vercel, GitHub Pages, Cloudflare, etc.

  1. Go to "Add new site" in Netlify, and click "Import an existing project."
  2. Link to your application's repository.
    • Set the build command to npm run build
    • Set the output directory to out/shared-counter (To customize this, change vite.config.ts)
  3. Publish!

That's it. Your app is now live!

Next steps

This guide demonstrated how to create and deploy a local-first DXOS application.

For more info on using DXOS, see:

We hope you'll find the technology useful, and we welcome your ideas and contributions:

Happy building! 🚀